Privacy Notice
In order to provide you with the best service possible we (Self Love Counselling) need to hold your personal contact details and records of your counselling sessions. This privacy notice tells you what we will do with your personal information from initial point of contact, through to after therapy has ended. Your privacy is very important to us and you can be confident that your personal information will be kept safe and secure and will only be used for the purpose it was given to us.
What information do we collect?
We collect personal data in order to contact and assess clients. This is requested prior to the confirmed booking of a client’s first session. The details collected include:
Full name
Date of birth
Home address
Contact details (telephone number/email)
GP (name/address)
Emergency Contact
Personal counselling history
Health problems and/or medications
Aims for counselling
How we use your information?
We carefully safeguard any personal information we hold, and are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (Ref No. ZB281986). We will never use your personal data for any purposes other than the administration of the therapy service that we are providing to you i.e. to arrange, cancel and rearrange appointments. We will only retain your personal information for as long as is necessary. We will note any requests to opt out of specific communication methods within the user agreement.
Self Love Counselling is hosted by Wix. Your information will be shared with ECC&T via the Wix tools. For more information about how and why Wix store and share information please
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Where do we store information?
We keep brief anonymised notes of our therapy sessions for the purpose of assisting our work together. The notes help us to keep track of the issues that we are working on with you and they are for our use only. The notes do not include any personal details that could be used to identify you and they are stored securely in a locked filing cabinet that only we have access to. Your therapy notes are stored separately to your personal details form. At the end of our work together, we will retain your information for six years (as suggested by the BACP). At the end of this period it will be destroyed or deleted. We will appoint a trusted colleague to contact you in the event of any incapacity or if involved in an emergency.
Data Sharing
It is rare that any personal information would be shared. As BACP registered counsellors, anonymised client information is shared with professional supervisors (a requirement of registration) in order to maximise service provision to clients. Personal information will not be shared with any other party without prior client consent, with the exception where we believe that not sharing the information would result in the risk of harm to clients or any other person, or if there is a legal requirement to do so. For further about the BACP please
Data Security
We take the security of the data that we hold about you very seriously. Our email account is password protected and mobile phones and laptops used to respond to your emails are password protected. Any email correspondence will be deleted within one month if it is not necessary to keep it. We communicate by phone, text, email and other digital methods. We will note any requests to opt out of specific communication methods within the user agreement.
Counselling Agreements
All clients proceeding with counselling are required to consent in writing (email) to both the parameters of counselling and data collection within a detailed counselling agreement. For younger clients, they are required to provide written consent themselves where it is deemed that they fully understand what they are consenting to. Parents/Carers are requested to provide their consent to their children entering the counselling agreement and required to consent to their own data being processed as detailed, however, this does not mean that they will be privy to any other information the client discloses during the course of counselling, in line with data-sharing above.
Where another type of third party is involved, unless we gather personal information pertaining to themselves, they will not be required to provide their consent, any information shared regarding the client (other than attendance information) will be subject to clients’ providing consent. Under General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), 2018 guidelines you have the following rights: The right to request access to the personal information that we store and process about you. You can ask for corrections to be made to the information held or for your personal information to be deleted.This policy is written with the intention of providing transparent information regarding how Self Love Counselling, control and process personal data. If you have any queries regarding this policy, please contact us using the details above. To find out more about GDPR and your rights, please
Changes to Privacy Notice
This privacy notice may be updated from time to time, so please check occasionally for any updates.
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